Importance of the Moon
(Est: 13th April 1992)
The importance of the moon in Islam
(By Mohummed Hanif, Director of M.R.C)
The Qur'an states in surah At-tala'q (65:12) that, "It is Allah (swt), who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof". We also know today, as described in astronomy books that there are millions and millions of stars and Planets in the Universe. The Scientists and Astronomers have tried in the past and still continue to search for any life in space and on other planets and their moons.
I personally would like to tell the world and believe that they would not find any sort of intelligent life on any planet unless orbited by a single moon. As human beings are the offspring of the first human called Hazrat Adam (p.b.u.h) and his wife called Hazrat Hawwa (Eve). The Qur'an states that Hazrat Adam (p.b.u.h) was a Muslim and the first prophet on earth, and Prophet Muhummed (pbuh) was the last prophet on earth who taught us Islam, a universal Muslim religion.
Around the globe, it is a fact that Muslim festivals are held according to the lunar calendar, whether it is a month of fasting or Hajj (pilgrimage) or any other festival. (This means that Muslims rely only on a single moon orbiting the earth).
Just imagine for a moment, if more than one moon were orbiting the earth, what would happen to the Islamic festivals?
From the above true facts, I will not hesitate to state that human life cannot exist on any planet other than the one with a single moon orbiting it *. So my advise to Scientists is that they should stop wasting their valuable time and money looking for intelligent life any where else.
*(Maulana Samir-ud-din Qasmi of Manchester (formaly lived in Burnley), a well known Muslim Scholar believes that this is a new statement and seems to be correct and he has not heard or seen it in writing anywhere else in the past).